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Name | IMG_1805.JPG |
File size | 3.71 MB (3894718 bytes) |
File type | JPEG |
MIME type | image/jpeg |
Image size | 4032 x 3024 (12.2 megapixels) |
Color space | Uncalibrated |
Created | July 11, 2023 08:51 |
Make | Apple |
Model | iPhone 14 Pro |
Lens | iPhone 14 Pro back triple camera 6.86mm f/1.78 |
Focal length | 6.9 mm |
Aperture | 1.8 |
Exposure | 1/9709 |
ISO | 80 |
Flash | Off, Did not fire |
Altitude | 6.1 m Above Sea Level |
Latitude | 25 deg 47' 10.32" N |
Longitude | 80 deg 7' 42.69" W |
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AccelerationVector | -0.9889034034 0.01048951876 0.00438335631 |
Aperture | 1.8 |
ApertureValue | 1.8 |
BitsPerSample | 8 |
BlueMatrixColumn | 0.1571 0.06657 0.78407 |
BlueTRC | Binary data 32 bytes |
BrightnessValue | 10.79769966 |
CMMFlags | Not Embedded, Independent |
ChromaticAdaptation | 1.04788 0.02292 -0.0502 0.02959 0.99048 -0.01706 -0.00923 0.01508 0.75168 |
CircleOfConfusion | 0.009 mm |
ColorComponents | 3 |
ColorSpace | Uncalibrated |
ColorSpaceData | RGB |
ComponentsConfiguration | Y, Cb, Cr, - |
CompositeImage | General Composite Image |
Compression | JPEG (old-style) |
ConnectionSpaceIlluminant | 0.9642 1 0.82491 |
CreateDate | 2023-07-11 08:51:18 +0000 |
DateTimeOriginal | 2023-07-11 08:51:18 +0000 |
DependentImage1EntryNumber | 0 |
DependentImage2EntryNumber | 0 |
DeviceAttributes | Reflective, Glossy, Positive, Color |
DeviceManufacturer | Apple Computer Inc. |
EncodingProcess | Baseline DCT, Huffman coding |
ExifByteOrder | Big-endian (Motorola, MM) |
ExifImageHeight | 3024 |
ExifImageWidth | 4032 |
ExifVersion | 0232 |
ExposureCompensation | 0 |
ExposureMode | Auto |
ExposureProgram | Program AE |
ExposureTime | 1/9709 |
FNumber | 1.8 |
FOV | 73.7 deg |
FileAccessDate | 2024-08-07 05:56:51 +0000 |
FileInodeChangeDate | 2024-08-07 05:56:51 +0000 |
FileModifyDate | 2024-08-07 05:56:51 +0000 |
FilePermissions | prw------- |
FileSize | 0 bytes |
FileType | JPEG |
FileTypeExtension | jpg |
Flash | Off, Did not fire |
FlashpixVersion | 0100 |
FocalLength | 6.9 mm |
FocalLength35efl | 6.9 mm (35 mm equivalent: 24.0 mm) |
FocalLengthIn35mmFormat | 24 mm |
FocusDistanceRange | 0.23 - 0.66 m |
GPSAltitude | 6.1 m Above Sea Level |
GPSAltitudeRef | Above Sea Level |
GPSDateStamp | 2023:07:11 |
GPSDestBearing | 132.872612 |
GPSDestBearingRef | True North |
GPSHPositioningError | 4.763139312 m |
GPSImgDirection | 132.872612 |
GPSImgDirectionRef | True North |
GPSLatitude | 25 deg 47' 10.32" N |
GPSLatitudeRef | North |
GPSLongitude | 80 deg 7' 42.69" W |
GPSLongitudeRef | West |
GPSPosition | 25 deg 47' 10.32" N, 80 deg 7' 42.69" W |
GPSSpeed | 0.1360635191 |
GPSSpeedRef | km/h |
GreenMatrixColumn | 0.29198 0.69225 0.04189 |
GreenTRC | Binary data 32 bytes |
HostComputer | iPhone 14 Pro |
HyperfocalDistance | 3.08 m |
ISO | 80 |
ImageHeight | 3024 |
ImageSize | 4032x3024 |
ImageWidth | 4032 |
JFIFVersion | 1.01 |
LensID | iPhone 14 Pro back triple camera 6.86mm f/1.78 |
LensInfo | 2.220000029-9mm f/1.779999971-2.8 |
LensMake | Apple |
LensModel | iPhone 14 Pro back triple camera 6.86mm f/1.78 |
LightValue | 15.2 |
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MPFVersion | 0100 |
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MPImageFormat | JPEG |
MPImageLength | 166926 |
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MPImageType | Undefined |
Make | Apple |
MediaWhitePoint | 0.96419 1 0.82489 |
Megapixels | 12.2 |
MeteringMode | Multi-segment |
Model | iPhone 14 Pro |
ModifyDate | 2023-07-11 08:51:18 +0000 |
NumberOfImages | 2 |
OffsetTime | -04:00 |
OffsetTimeDigitized | -04:00 |
OffsetTimeOriginal | -04:00 |
Orientation | Horizontal (normal) |
PrimaryPlatform | Apple Computer Inc. |
ProfileCMMType | Apple Computer Inc. |
ProfileClass | Display Device Profile |
ProfileConnectionSpace | XYZ |
ProfileCopyright | Copyright Apple Inc., 2022 |
ProfileCreator | Apple Computer Inc. |
ProfileDateTime | 2022-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 |
ProfileDescription | Display P3 |
ProfileFileSignature | acsp |
ProfileID | ecfda38e388547c36db4bd4f7ada182f |
ProfileVersion | 4.0.0 |
RedMatrixColumn | 0.51512 0.2412 -0.00105 |
RedTRC | Binary data 32 bytes |
RenderingIntent | Perceptual |
ResolutionUnit | inches |
RunTimeEpoch | 0 |
RunTimeFlags | Valid |
RunTimeScale | 1000000000 |
RunTimeSincePowerUp | 7 days 20:40:14 |
RunTimeValue | 679213590563166 |
ScaleFactor35efl | 3.5 |
SceneCaptureType | Standard |
SceneType | Directly photographed |
SensingMethod | One-chip color area |
ShutterSpeed | 1/9709 |
ShutterSpeedValue | 1/9709 |
Software | 16.2 |
SubSecCreateDate | 2023-07-11 08:51:18 -0400 |
SubSecDateTimeOriginal | 2023-07-11 08:51:18 -0400 |
SubSecModifyDate | 2023-07-11 08:51:18 -0400 |
SubSecTimeDigitized | 047 |
SubSecTimeOriginal | 047 |
SubjectArea | 2009 1505 2208 1324 |
ThumbnailImage | Binary data 9890 bytes |
ThumbnailLength | 9890 |
ThumbnailOffset | 2712 |
WhiteBalance | Auto |
XResolution | 72 |
YCbCrPositioning | Centered |
YCbCrSubSampling | YCbCr4:2:0 (2 2) |
YResolution | 72 |